Weekly Legislative Report for the week of September 19, 2022 – September 23, 2022
As the first-ever Korean law firm to issue specialized legislative journals, DR & AJU LLC has been publishing the monthly Policy & Business (P&B) Report since August 2019. The P&B Report provides analyses of plenary sessions of the National Assembly, as well as standing committee and subcommittee meetings. In addition, the firm has been co-hosting the Future Leaders Forum with the Herald Business, inviting chairpersons of standing committees to discuss relevant legislative issues and tasks.
As an extension of this service, DR & AJU has also been issuing the Weekly Legislative Report, which covers various legal issues at the center of public debate along with editorials and columns on the Serious Accidents Punishment Act (“SAPA”) from major daily news outlets. The report will be released with an update on newly proposed or pending bills. Enclosed is this week’s legislative report, and please refer to the P&B Report for further details.
If you wish to subscribe to the P&B Report or have any other queries, please contact us at pr@draju.com.
1. Proposed Bill(s)
① Partial Amendment to the Trade Union and Labor Relations Adjustment Act
This Amendment prohibits claiming damages against a trade union or a worker for the trade union’s collective bargaining and industrial action, with the exception of direct damages due to violence or destruction. The Amendment expands the scope of the application of the law to include subcontractors, workers in special types of employment, freelancers, and platform workers.
② Act on Special Measures for Strengthening the Competitiveness of Materials, Components, and Equipment Industries
This Bill establishes grounds for determining the items for Supply Chain Stabilization following the consultation between related ministries and establishes Supply Chain Center to collect, analyze, and systematically manage supply chain-related data.
2. Pending Bill(s)
③ Partial Amendment to the Act on Special Measures for Reinforcement and Protection of Competitiveness of National Advanced Strategic Industry Competitiveness
This Amendment i) supports the establishment of strategic industry specialized complexes beginning from its creation so that the National Advanced Strategic Industry Committee can swiftly establish and designate specialized complexes; ii) expands the scope of subjects exempted from preliminary feasibility studies to include public enterprises and public institutions and shortens the period of prompt approval processing from 30 days to 15 days; iii) adds high schools tailored to industrial demand to human resource development projects and expands the maximum number of students; and iv) eases the qualification criteria for the appointment of education officials to promote the training or re-education of professionals, and establishes a system that allows concurrent positions.
3. Promulgated Bill(s)
④ Customs Act
This Bill changes the base of the foreign exchange rate for taxation used in determining the customs value to the base exchange rate or arbitrage rate.
4. Bill(s) Undergoing Pre-Announcement of Legislation/Administration
⑤ Partial Amendment to the Enforcement Decree of the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act
This Amendment i) adjusts the scope of relatives among the persons related to the same person; ii) includes de facto spouses among the persons related to the same person; iii) excludes affiliates managed by outside directors; and iv) amends the grace system for the affiliation of small and medium-sized venture companies with conglomerate groups.
5. Serious Accidents Punishment Act ("SAPA") Related Editorials and Columns from Major Dailies