DR & AJU News

Firm News 2023-03-06
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DR & AJU, First Law Firm to Operate “Election Center”

DR & AJU’s Election Center is the first professional election center operated by a law firm. The center is dedicated to handling all types of election cases to which election laws apply, including elections for heads of cooperatives, national simultaneous local elections, superintendent elections, and elections for local sports presidents.

DR & AJU’s Election Center has a proven track record of handling cases involving violations of the Public Official Election Act by presidential candidates and former and incumbent members of the National Assembly and is currently successfully defending a number of election cases, including former special self-governing province Governor A and Mayor B’s violation of the Public Official Election Act, in which the violation of the primary campaign method was an issue, and Mayor C’s violation of the same Act, in which the publication of false information came into question.

DR & AJU’s Election Center provides customized legal services at every stage of an election case, tailored to the characteristics of election cases that start from the National Election Commission’s investigation and complaint to the police and prosecution investigations and trials.
Service details are introduced in detail on the website operated by DR & AJU’s Election Center.

Further details can be found in the link below.
