Deals & Cases
DR & AJU Secures Cancellation of Income Adjustment Notice by Demonstrating that the Transaction of Unlisted Shares Between Related Parties Was Conducted at Fair Market Value
DR & AJU Achieves Dismissal and Secures Decision Not to Forward to Prosecution in the First Serious Civic Accident Case
DR & AJU Prevails in Both Initial and Appellate Trials Over Temporary Agency Worker Relationship Dispute
DR & AJU Defends Client in an IP Rights Dispute in Relation with Rehabilitation Procedures
DR & AJU Expedites Rehabilitation Proceedings for Motor Engineering Company DPECO
DR & AJU Concludes Rehabilitation Procedures of BTB Korea, a Beauty Device and Medical Equipment Manufacturer
DR & AJU Advises Kyobo Book Centre Co., Ltd. on Merger with Its Subsidiary Kyobo Hottracks
DR & AJU Successfully Represents the Government of ROK in a Damages Claim for State Compensation in a Case Where a 150K Ton Container Ship Collided with Large Gantry Cranes While Berthing in Busan New Port
DR & AJU Successfully Advises on Loan Transactions for the Second Phase of the Songdo Global Complex Development Project